Friday 26 October 2012

Friday 26th November

Final Day - Science Week
Julie's Heaps Of Science Fun!

What an amazing week it has been! I hope you have a wonderful half term. Just a reminder that we have an Inset day on Monday 5th , so all children are back to school on Tuesday 6th November.

Thursday 25 October 2012

The Bug Man!

Martin Rapley

Today we had a variety of animals brought to the school including:-

- Lizard / snakes 
- Pygmy Hedgehog 
- Tree frog 
- Praying mantis / Stick insect 
- Emperor Scorpion / Mexican red knee tarantula 
- Giant millipedes 

Make sure you check your child's bag when they get home!

Year 1 Exit point for IPC

Exit point day of Sensational. We made a chill-out area with blankets and pillows and had quiet activities. We had a painting area and made pom poms, listened to relaxing music and tasted chocolate at the end! 

Netball Match- 24th November

The Wrotham Road netball team played their first friendly match at Meopham Academy School yesterday.They were fantastic and all of the girls played really well. There was excellent shooting from Rose and Shivani and the team won
 6-4. Well done to the whole team!!

Friday 19 October 2012

Science Week

On Monday 22nd October - Friday 26th October we are having a Science week in school. Throughout the week the children will have lots of magical experiences to help bring important elements of the National Curriculum to life and to experience Science live!

On Tuesday 23rd October The Mobile Farm Experience is coming to visit our Nursery to Year 3 classes - bringing the farm experience to school! The children will learn a range of fascinating things about Food, Farming and the Countryside and throughout the visit the children will have lots of opportunities to get close to the animals. Sessions include:

  • Free time to meet the animals
  • Hands on encounter sessions
  • Feeding and grooming
  • Talking through each animal in turn including: differences, baby names, what they produce and what each animal needs to stay healthy.
  • Quiz and activity sheets

For years 4, 5 and 6, the children will be working with Ken Harrison, an experienced expert from Mayfield Grammar school, who will be doing some amazing science with the different year groups. Their sessions will be on the Tuesday and Wednesday. The Year 4 workshop will be exploring forces, the year 5 workshop is all about light and the year 6 workshop is about materials. Each of these sessions will be practical and inspiring. Some of which will go with a bang!

Martin Rapley, more famously known as ‘The Bugman!’ will be visiting children from year R up to year 6 on the Thursday. He will perform an animal variety show where the children will have plenty of opportunity to learn about, and where suitable, touch animals, like a snake, lizard, harvest mouse, pygmy hedgehog, praying mantis, stick insects, an emperor scorpion, Mexican red knee tarantula and giant millipedes. The show has plenty of WOW factor and the children will love it. There will also be smaller close up sessions too.

As a finale, Doctor Julie’s Heaps of Science Fun will be performing a wonderful show to years 1-6. The show will demonstrate a range of exciting repeatable scientific experiments using everyday household objects. The children will be amazed and inspired!

I am really looking forward to a very exciting end to the term!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Outstanding Attendance!

As a reward for the best attendance last academic year, 13 pupils went to Cineworld today for a Film Education "Monster in Paris" movie with Mrs Green and Mrs Brierley.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Year 4 - Natural History Museum

Monday 15th October

Today Jupiter and Neptune went to London to the Natural History Museum to visit "The Powers Within" and "Restless Surface" galleries to support their topic -Active Planet.

Friday 5 October 2012

Harvest Celebration

Today Wrotham Road pupils collected a bumper crop of food donations. Children brought in items from home, including tinned, powdered and dried food, tea, coffee, fruit juice and vegetables.These items will help stock up  ‘Foodbank’ which sees volunteers providing essential food items to families who have suffered in some way,who are less fortunate than us.

A big thank you for all the donations!