Monday 10 October 2011


Thank you so much to all of you who donated produce to our Harvest celebration, the assembly was lovely with a wonderful range of presentations from the children including singing, dancing, acting, poetry and artwork.
The House of Mercy came to collect the produce at the end of the day and were overwhelmed by your generousity.

Gravesend library

It is fantastic that the refurbished library in town is now open, we are particularly pleased that some of our children's artwork is on display-

Another example of our children really working to support its local community.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Improved security

Our new security systems should be up and running very shortly.
Essentially it will mean that our front and rear gates can only be accessed by being 'buzzed-in' via the intercom. Of course they will open freely during normal drop-off and collection times, but other times during the school day they will be magnetically locked.
Parents making use of the car park when dropping at Breakfast Club or collecting from After School Club can buzz the canteen via the intercom.
I'm sure you will agree this is an important further step to ensure the security of everyone using the site.