Friday 28 September 2012

Shorne Country Park- Year 6

Monday 24th September - Fun at Shorne Country Park- Year 6.

On a rather wet Monday morning a very cheerful group of year 6 children set off to explore Shorne Country Park.  
Despite (or perhaps because of?) the pouring rain, the children in 'Betelnova' showed great enthusiasm and teamwork skills in creating shelters in the wood.  They worked together to move huge logs and scavenge other materials to build shelters in all shapes and sizes; some had extensions, one even had its own garden!  The hot chocolate just before lunch was much appreciated but everyone and the children also learned how to whittle pencils using potato peelers.
In the afternoon our park ranger, Lucy, challenged the children to develop their own story characters using natural materials.
A fantastic time was had by all! When can we go again?!

(Posted Mrs Green)

Thursday 27 September 2012

Neptune- IPC

Active Planet Topic

(Posted Mrs Green)

Year 6 - Camping Theme Week

The children who did not attend PGL this year had a fun packed week with Mrs Daniel.  Activities that were planned included:-

A visit to Shorne Country Park
Outdoor challenges
Cooking on BBQs
Pyjama day- including a film
and Water challenges.

Keeping to our camping theme for the week, Betelnova decided to have a go at cooking our own dinner on BBQs this morning.  The children each cooked a sausage and vegetable kebab.  We discovered why it is important to wait for the flames to die down when some of our sausages turned rather black....  For the more adventurous Year 6's, pudding consisted of barbecued bananas and chocolate - yum! (Mrs Daniel)

(Posted Mrs Green)

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Harvest Celebration

On Friday 5th October at 11.00am we will be celebrating Harvest with the children and there will be an extended assembly where children will be giving short presentations. Unfortunately, due to the lack of space, we cannot invite parents to this event.
We would like to be able to make donations to members of our local community as is tradition. This year we will be helping the Gravesham foodbank. The foodbank helps individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies.
I would be grateful if from Wednesday 3rd October each child could bring in a small Harvest offering .
All donations will form part of our Harvest display and will then be given to the Gravesham foodbank who will distribute them to members of the local community who really are in need.
Kind regards,
Sarah Green Head of School

Monday 24 September 2012

Friday 21 September 2012

SCAF Meeting

Year 6 -SCAF meeting

The secondary school application process begins in September 2012.

The website address is-

This website will give you information about all Kent secondary schools and their open sessions as well as the secondary transfer process.

If you are having difficulty downloading the information you can contact the secondary admissions team on :-

01622  696565   or

The closing date for completing the SCAF or making an online application is the 31st October 2012.

All local authorities will send out offers of school places on 1st March 2013.

(Posted Mrs Green)

Thursday 20 September 2012


This term has started with the launch of the new IPC curriculum in all year groups. Classes are carrying out their entry points of the new topics and classrooms are being transformed into new learning environments.

This term each class will cover the following:-

Year 1-Sensational
Year 2-We are what we eat
Year 3-Footprints from the past
Year 4-Active Planet and Brainwaves
Year 5-Building a village
Year 6-Here and now, there and then

Year 1- Mars- Sensational

Year 3 – Andromeda
The children were making paper-mâché dinosaur bones and eggs and were also being paleontologists and trying to excavate dinosaur toys buried in plaster of Paris.

Year 6- Here and now there and then.

(Posted by Mrs Green)